Best Hosting by Country on May 18, 2021 by Joanna Gatapia

A lot of web hosts will come to you to say that they’re the best. But are they? 

The problem with some web hosts is that they market themselves as having remarkable uptimes. But most of the time, they can’t keep up with their promises. 

To be sure, you want to get a web host that’s reliable. 

So instead of doing trial and error with the different web hosts, I’ve compiled the 5 best web hosting in Ethiopia that won’t let you down.

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What to Look For in the Best Web Hosting in Ethiopia

When looking for the best web host, here are the factors that you should consider:

  • Affordability
  • Security
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Uptime


Nobody wants to waste money. And that’s why you shouldn’t be making this mistake when you’re getting a web host. 

However, I’m not saying that you should get the cheapest one. Rather, look for a web host that has all the features you need at a reasonable price. 


Look for a web host that offers SSL certificates. 

SSL certificates will tell you that there’s another layer of protection to your site’s and customer’s data. Most of the time, web hosts give these certificates for free even on their most basic plans. 

Ease of Use

Web hosting is a pretty technical topic. So if you’re not a technical person, you wouldn’t want to deal with any of that.  

Hence, web hosts that are user-friendly (with built-in web builders or integrated WordPress) will be a great option for you. 

Customer Support

One of the hallmarks of a great web host is fast customer support. You might think that 24/7 support is too much to ask, but it’s not. Thankfully, reliable web hosts already have this feature. 


Uptime refers to the rate at which your website is available to your audience. You want your site to always be accessible. 

So getting a web host that only has a 90% uptime is out of the question. Instead, look for a web host that has close to 99.9% uptime. 

Best Web Hosting Providers in Ethiopia

Need the quick facts? 

Here’s a comparison chart that gives you the quick facts to all 5 of the best web hosts in Ethiopia.





$2.95/month  (ETB 124.49)

50 GB

Free 1 year


$18.48/yr (ETB 780)

5 GB



$2.99/month  (ETB 126.18)

100 GB




(ETB 1200)

10 GB




(ETB 3038.40)

5 GB



Web Hosting in Ethiopia - 5 Best in 2021 BlueHost

Quick facts:

  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free domain for 1 year
  • 24/7 customer support
  • 50 GB SSD Storage (basic package)
  • One-click install for WordPress
  • 99.93% (August 2023) uptime

What’s the best web hosting in Ethiopia? It’s Bluehost

Bluehost is well-known for a lot of reasons but let me start with this: 99.93% (August 2023) uptime. 

I’m not kidding! 

Bluehost’s very high uptime easily makes it a favorite for any site. After all, this ensures that your site is almost always accessible to your audience. 

To add to that, this web host has very affordable yearly plans. Sure, you have to subscribe for at least a year, but it’s worth it. 

For a basic plan, you get enough space for a lot of traffic on your site. You also get a free domain (for a year) and SSL certificate. 

And if you don’t have a website yet, that’s okay. Bluehost has its website builder and pre-installed WordPress. 

Everything you need is right here, so I suggest you head over to their site to check them out.  

Setting up a website with BlueHost is simple. To learn how to do it, follow this step-by-step guide:

Web Hosting in Ethiopia - 5 Best in 2021 Yegara

Quick facts:

  • 5 GB SSD storage
  • 5 email accounts and databases
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free domain
  • Free cPanel control panel

Of all the web hosting providers in Ethiopia, I haven’t found a basic plan that’s as affordable as Yegara’s entry-level web hosting package. 

For as low as ETB 780 per year*, you already get 5 GB SSD storage, 5 email accounts, and 5 databases. You also get freebies such as SSL certificates, .com domain, and cPanel. 

Unfortunately, Yegara isn’t as seamless as Bluehost. And this can be a problem for beginners who have trouble understanding web hosting. 

Nonetheless, Yegara makes up for it by having a free cPanel control panel. This feature will make it easier for you to navigate your dashboard and see your site’s performance. 

Web Hosting in Ethiopia - 5 Best in 2021 A2 Hosting

Quick facts:

  • 100 GB SSD storage
  • Free SSL
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Free website transfer
  • 24/7 customer support on phone, live chat, and email

Coming in third on this list is A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting features 100 GB on its basic plan. Yes, that’s 100 GB of SSD storage, which is ideal for websites with videos and photos. 

Aside from that, A2 Hosting has unlimited email accounts. If your website is for an e-commerce business, that can cover your whole team. 

And did I mention that it also has a 99.9% uptime?

At just ETB 126.18* per month, you get all these features and more. 

The only downside is that you might have to subscribe for 3 years to get this affordable package. 

Web Hosting in Ethiopia - 5 Best in 2021 HahuCloud

Quick facts:

  • 10 GB SSD storage
  • 2 databases and email accounts
  • Free domain
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Automated backups

Another local web host company that’s promising is HahuCloud

Although it’s slightly more expensive than Yegara, it does have features that still make it a good choice. 

One feature that I love is the automated backups. 

Your website must have a backup of all the data you have online. HahuCloud holds automated backups regularly and you can always ask them for a copy. 

But keep in mind that this web host only has a data center in the UK. Because of the distance, your site’s loading speed won’t be that fast. 

Web Hosting in Ethiopia - 5 Best in 2021 Techno Bros

Quick facts:

  • 5 GB SSD storage
  • 50 GB bandwidth
  • 5 email accounts
  • Automated setup
  • Free domain

Last but not least is Techno Bros

Techno Bros is known for its fast loading speeds and reliable uptime. 

If your priority is to increase your rankings in SEO, then you’ll love how fast Techno Bros makes your site go. 

Unfortunately, their starter shared hosting plan only gives you 5GB of storage. And that’s pretty small even for a small website. 

To add to that, they’re a little pricey compared to the other competitors here on the list. 

If you want, you can check out their higher plans that offer more storage and even more speed. 

Web Hosting in Ethiopia FAQs

Do you have more questions on web hosting in Ethiopia?

I’ve got you covered. 

Let’s take a look at some FAQs that might be helpful.

What is shared hosting? 

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where you share a server with other websites. 

Yep, this means that you all share the same storage space, hence there are small storage sizes allotted to you. 

What type of web hosting should you get?

Shared hosting is common in small to medium websites because it’s more affordable. 

However, this is only ideal when you’re not expecting a lot of traffic or you don’t have a lot of videos and photos posted on your site. 

If that’s not the case, you should consider VPS (Virtual Private Server) for more space for your site. For even more space and faster speeds, Dedicated Servers will be more up your alley. 

How much does a web hosting service cost?

Shared hosting plans can range from ETB100-300* a month. 

However, this rate can go lower, especially when you subscribe for a year or two. 

It’s best to check your chosen web host for their deals for their updated prices and discounts. 


For websites, high uptimes are very important. Unfortunately, not all web hosts that say they have a 99.9% uptime follow-through. 

But with these 5 web hosts, you can rest assured that your site is always up. Not only that, these 5 web hosts offer great features that won’t let you down. 
